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Which bottles can you recycle? Discover the hidden value of high density polyethylene

In Mexico, more than 2 million tons of solid urban waste are generated each year and only 9% is recycled. Recyclable waste includes everyday bottles of juice, detergent or milk, which are made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE).

Alejandro Torres, manager of the ALPLA Recycling plant, explains the importance of HDPE recycling and mentions that his plant processes up to 40,000 tons of these bottles each year. Unlike PET bottles and aluminum cans, HDPE bottles are often not perceived as valuable by the general public, although they really are. "We have an obligation to generate awareness throughout society that polyethylene bottles also have a value," says Torres.

On the other hand, the price per kilogram of HDPE bottles can reach $1.50 MXN in collection centers, but its value goes beyond the economic. Romina Dávila Martínez, spokesperson for the Circular Life initiative, highlights the environmental benefits, such as savings in CO₂ emissions and the reduction in the extraction of raw materials thanks to recycling. 


Best practices for HDPE bottle recycling

Alejandro Torres recommends a simple practice to help in the recycling process: collapse the HDPE bottles, put the cap on them and store them unwashed to deliver them to the garbage truck. "We're going to wash the bottle here anyway," he explains. This approach not only makes it easier for the collectors to handle the waste, it also saves water.

To tell if a bottle is made of high-density polyethylene, look for the Möbius Triangle on the base of the container, which should have the number 2 inside. This identification is crucial to ensure that the correct plastic makes it into the proper recycling stream.

Finally, he says that most of the garbage in Mexico ends up in landfills, contributing to soil and water contamination. According to him, the main obstacle to effective recycling is the lack of separation of waste at source. Changing this habit could significantly increase recycling rates in the country.