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World Environment Day

We join ALPLA in celebrating World Environment Day with great news!

Did you know that every year more than 2 billion tons of garbage are generated in the world? Of that amount, 12% is plastic! And the worst thing is that only 9% is recycled.

At Vida Circular, we joined ALPLA, a world leader in plastic packaging, to celebrate World Environment Day with a big announcement: the construction of a third PET recycling plant in Mexico!

This is a big step towards a greener future! The new plant, which will be operational by the end of 2024, will have the capacity to process 50 thousand tons of post-consumer PET per year. This means that we will convert thousands of plastic bottles into new products, preventing them from ending up in landfills or polluting the ocean!

What can you do?

  • Separate garbage at home: plastic, paper, glass, metal... Everything in its place! ♻️
  • Recycle as much as possible: Look for the recycling symbol on containers and take them to a recycling center. ♻️
  • Consume less plastic: Choose products with less packaging or that are made from recycled materials. ️
  • Join the community: Follow Vida Circular on social media and share this message with your friends and family - together we can make a difference!
Would you like to know more? we invite you to read the full article here.