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Ellen MacArthur Foundation. How to Build a Circular Economy : Ellen MacArthur Foundation

United Nations (2023) Sustainable Development Goals Report. Special Edition. Sustainable Consumption and Production - Sustainable Development (un.org)

The Association of Plastic Recyclers, (December 2018) Life cycle IMPACTS FOR Postconsumer Recycled Resisn: PET, HDPE, AND PP. 2018-APR-LCI-report.pdf (plasticsrecycling.org)

Golisano Institute for Sustainability (GIS). What is life cycle assessment. Blog. What is life cycle assessment (LCA)? | Golisano Institute for Sustainability | RIT

Rieznik, L. (July 2005) Life Cycle Analysis. Life Cycle Analysis (upm.es)

Estévez, R. (February 4, 2013). Life cycle analysis. Eco intelligence. Retrieved from. https://www.ecointeligencia.com/2013/02/analisis-ciclo-vida-acv/

Economipedia. https://economipedia.com/